The Muhammad Haque daily world [ethical] commentary exposing the lying culture and the fabrication files that the BBC propagates to suppress the truth both at home in the UK and abroad....
0440 Hrs GMT
London Thursday 2 August 2007
How the BBC has been lying for Big Business and aiding the Big Business plot to loot the UK treasury under cover of Crossrail while suppressing the evidence of serious flaws in the Crossrail hole plot
The Muhammad Haque daily world [ethical] commentary exposing the lying culture and the fabrication files that the BBC propagates to suppress the truth both at home in the UK and abroad....
The full version of the commentary on the BBC's lying and lies, to be posted here during Thursday 2 August 2007
One of the incidents of the BBC’s lying that the commentary will use as evidence of the lying agenda practised by the BBC, is the BBC online promotion [a propaganda] piece for the London CROSSRAIL.
Crossrail is a seriously flawed project. It is technically flawed. It is environmentally very unsound. It is economically unnecessary and wasteful. And it is being promoted mainly to benefit Big Business which wants to loot the UK treasury of £Billions under the excuse that there is a transport crisis in london.
The pluggers f the crass Crossrail had been mainly the City of on don corporation and their many lobbys that operate to misguide the UK Parliament.
One of the key tools that Big Business has had at its disposal has been the over-rated mayor of London, Ken Livingstone.
Between them, the City of London interests and Ken Livingstone have confected a number of lies that should have been detected and exposed by the BBC.
Instead, the BBC has decided to retail those lies and dress the lies up as objective acts, the truth.
That the BBC has decided to lie for Big business and to facilitate the robbery of £Billions of pubic money fro the Uk Treasury shows that despite the now almost daily disclosures all over the ‘west’ of big corporations operating lies and cheatings and fraud, the culture of lies and lying is being kept up as if there is still nothing wing in Big corporations lying……
[To be continued]
AADHIKAROnline ARCHIVE 24 January 2007
Time for George Galloway to talk LESS through the BBC?
Editor©Muhammad Haque
AADHIKAR in association with ‘KHOODEELAAR! the Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 Area No to CrossRail hole ‘scheme, scam, and project. Plot’ Bill’ campaign
AADHIKAR Media Foundation
Aadhikaronline The 1st Edition at 0530 Hrs GMT London Wednesday 24 January 2007
Breaking news at 0530 GMT Wednesday 24 January 2007
East London [Bethnal Green and Bow] Member of British Parliament, George Galloway, says on BBC News 24 'Muslims hate' his 'Respect' 'party'! Galloway said this in the last sentence of the programme 'Hard talk' as broadcast at 0455 GMT today, |Wednesday 24 January 2007. Interviewed by Stephen Sackur, one of the BBC's 'former' Washington correspondents, who by that description, is a 'journalist' with no record of independent practice free from the White House Pentagon Neo Con line on the world that is battered by that axis.. Galloway was asked in the last part of the interview to explain some of the rash comments and stamens that he had made in the recent past. Galloway’s answer contained detailed list of justifications from his standpoint. He denied that he ever made the most quoted remark about Saddam Hussein. He claimed that it was a comment he had made about the 'Iraqi people'. Then he was asked about his 'RESPECT' 'party' which was said to be full of 'Muslim' 'extremists'. Galloway included the words extremists and Muslim in the first part of his reply but failed to do so in the final part as broadcast. He made a negative reference to Muslims and Blair in the same last sentence as broadcast! Without further clarification, that remark is bound to be treated as a remark that shows that Galloway is hostile to Muslims generally. A view - and a political factor - that will be examined in the forthcoming commentaries to be published by AADHIKARonline in the near future
AADHIKARonline publishing programme during Wednesday 24 January 2007 will include these
Khoodeelaar! will examine the ‘secrets’ of the so-called quality financial paper the FT and its weird, absurd, ignorant links with the Crossrail-peddling self-seeker at the City of London Corporation, Michael SNIDE Snyder !
The Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill campaign's examination of the Crassrail-plugging London 'quality press' will now appear on Wednesday 24 January 2007
From the previous editions of AADHIKARonline
Khoodeelaar! dissection AND findings and conclusions of the crassness of the Crossrail hole Bill are vindicated again. This time, in a typically roundabout way by the CRASSrail plot-backing London EVENING STANDARD and by their freelance 'railways expert' Christian Wolmer [who writes another pathetic piece of ignorance in which he manages to being in a reference to Crossrail in exactly the same dishonest way as does the 'leader comment' in the day's EVENING STANDARD itself] - More of the Khoodeelaar! responses on these and allied reports, to be published by AADHIKAR on this web site later on today Tuesday 23 January 2007
Khoodeelaar! Demo against Crossrail hole Bill - location outside the Houses of Parliament - time and date to be confirmed in the next 48 hours
The Muhammad Haque daily world political commentary :< br>1105 Hrs GMT London Tuesday 23 January 2007
The great Blaired Crassrail disaster- why Crassrail-plugger London mayor Ken Livingstone has been shown AGAIN to have no basic commonsense, let alone the necessary intelligence to understand what is going on in the UK transport sector
And why no attention must be paid to what Ken Livingstone says about the transport policy.
This became clear once again yesterday when the LATEST Railways resources mismanagement in the UK was exposed with the disclosures that hundreds of thousand of passengers were forced to lose out because of crazy withdrawal of 20 carriages by one railway operation alone!
what is the connection with the over-stated 'London mayor' Ken Livingstone? The connection is that it is Livingstone who has been acting as the crazy agent for Big Business construction and engineering conglomerates who want to get their hand on £Billions of scarce public money so that they can pocket the loot under cover of proving Crassrail in London. That it is not a Crassrail that well solve the London transport problem is shown in a direct statement condemning Crassrail and |Thameslink by no member of the Khoodeelaar! Campaign, as such but by a spokesman for the passengers watchdog body... Khoodeelaar! is more than happy to use this quote and the comments to add to the library of files showing how grossly wrong Ken Livingstone is, has been to promote the crassly conceived Crassrail project CLICK HERE to view the rare publication by the London CROSSRAIL-backer Evening Standard of the views of the outraged passengers yesterday [Monday 22 Jan 2007]. It is rare because the EVENING STANDARD suppresses the truth when it comes to the examination of the crassness of the Crassrail project. So the fact that even the blindly Crassrail-promoting EVENING STANDARD website was forced to give space to the views of the passengers openly condemning public expenditure on Crassrail while ordinary rail passengers were deprived of the necessary ine4vstemeent in service shows that the criminally-fostered myth created by the Big Business touts, including Ken Livingstone. Around Crassrail is about to be exploded definitively.
To be continued]
From the previous editions as published on Monday 22 January 2007
The 6th Edition Monday 1530 Hrs GMT 22 January 2007
No to Crossrail hole Bill publication programme during Monday 22 January 2007
Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole-backer Tower Hamlets Council
Demonstration against Tower Hamlets Council
Demonstrating in support of community demand backing Khoodeelaar! [on 22 January 2006 - a year ago on this date at the Brady Centre] for Tower Hamlets Council pass NO to Crossrail hole Motion
Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill legal action programme updates and
Khoodeelaar! demo against Tower Hamlets CrossRail hole-=backer Council
Summary of the background and reasons as contained in the Khoodeelaar! [edition 3250] demonstration against Crossrail hole Bill leaflet published in the Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 Area today
Khoodeelaar! The Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 Area campaign against Crossrail hole project, plan, scheme Bill, 2007. Khoodeelaar Serial No. 3250 London Monday 22 January 2007 Editor © Muhammad Haque 2007
Gather outside the Brady Centre in Hanbury Street London E1
This Khoodeelaar! ‘No to Crossrail hole plot’ demonstration is marking the passage of one year since the community backed the Khoodeelaar! demand that Tower Hamlets Council pass the No to Crossrail hole Motion.
The Council has not passed the motion.
The Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 Area remain as vulnerable today as it was a year ago. The only difference is that lour continued campaign against CrossRail hole-backing role by Tower Hamlets Council has forced it into a position where it has to make pretence that it is not betraying the East End community to Big Business. But the Council has been wrong in doing that as well. It has been wrong to assume a posture that it is with the community. We say that the controlling clique is lying in that posture.
We ask it to give up posturing. Stop lying. Drop all collusions with the CrossRail hole plot planners and pushers. Get the Motion against Crossrail hole on the full Council table. say No to Crossrail hole. Stop Crossrail hole-role by Council. Do it now. . The proof is in the actual reality of what the Crossrail; hole backer Council is saying in private to the Crossrail hole Bill-promoting Government of Tony Blair and to the army of overpaid and under-needed bureaucrats at both TfL and at CLRL.
We have told the CrossRail hole-backer Tower Hamlets Council controlling clique in no uncertain terms that unless they pass the motion saying NO to CROSSRAIL hole Bill we shall not allow them to operate as a majority. We shall do whatever the community needs to make sure that political control on Tower Hamlets Council changes for a very long time. Get that. Denise Jones? [and whoever is hiding behind Denise Jones]
Published by CBRUK for Khoodeelaar! with the support of the London Community Audit Network as a free distribution education and information material for the campaign against Crossrail hole Bill attack on the East End of London
Khoodeelaar! to attempt another political revival for George Galloway, the 'local' MP
George Galloway has stopped being political! Isn’t’ that an extraordinary sounding statement! Given the multi--million insertion history of the name ‘George Galloway, British MP’ featuring in all kinds of the contemporary world wide web around the time [May 2005] that he was ‘elected’ to represent the Tower Hamlets constituency instead of Blair Babe Oona King failing to do it despite being elected [twice to do so], the fact that George Galloway’s ONLY presence on the web in making ‘news’ today [Monday 22 January 2007] is in a feature by-lined to the Murdoch Time’s Indian-ancestered Anjana Ahuja doing yet another review of the triumph of the Indian actress Shilpa Shetty in the Channel 4 Sleazeball programme ‘CBBH’ of the past 4 days, is not only embarrassing. It is final proof , a year on, that the politics has gone out of whatever it was that George Galloway set up or helped set up in preparation for his bid to stay on as MP following his expulsion by Blair and his gang……. This observation is not made in jest. This is a profoundly disappointing time. Time that can be associated with Mr Galloway’s still being the local MP for the constituency. This observation is also being made in the fullest possible knowledge of what other things Mr Galloway has been engaged in over the past one year following his notoriety linked with his agreement to be a host of the Filthy Brazengit. [More on this on AADHIKAROnline in the course of this week] The ’Local MP’ George Galloway [‘Bethnal Green and Bow’ who did formally and on the record speak against Crossrail hole Bill on 19 July 2005, has been invited by KHOODEELAAR! to attend today’s demonstration against Tower Hamlets Crossrail hole-backing Council. Will George Galloway turn up? We expect him to do so. Of course, if it is the case that George Galloway has ‘advisers’. Along the liens of Crossrail hole backer London mayor Ken Lyingstill Livingstone, then of course, George Galloway may not show at 5 PM at the Khoodeelaar! demo against Crossrail hole. His ‘advisors’ might tell him that he doesn’t need to show any solidarity with the Khoodeelaar! campaign against Crossrail hole plotters. The sort of advisers who must have given Galloway the ‘de facto’ go-ahead to appear on the Sleazeball Channel 4 filth show called Celebrity Big Brother a year a few days ago this week. When news of George Galloway’s accommodation in the C4 Sleazeball house of shame got out, the most awesome political overdrive was seen in the behaviour of the then Bethnal Green and Bow Labour Party whose Blairing machine spent the two weeks following the news in a state of total mechanical zombiness. They focussed on doing Galloway down. They used Galloway’s acceptance of the embarrassing invitation from End-‘em-all [which is what Muhammad Haque calls the filthy enterprise set up by the Filth entrepreneur Peter Brazengit] as proof that Galloway was bonkers. And worse. There was no sign of any solidarity action by a single one of Galloway’s ‘alleged comrades’. It was on 17 January 2007 when Khoodeelaar! reinstated the political legitimacy attaching to the holder of the elected MP for the Constituency… And from the moment onwards, and until 4 May 2006, George Galloway was happy to identify with Khoodeelaar! Since the 4 May 2006, there has been hardly any consistent comment let alone opposition to Crossrail by the Galloway ‘party’. The one section was on the day in June 2006 when Galloway gave his ‘evidence' before the parasitic, poodle, pathetic committee of time-serving, careeristic, MPs called the ‘Crossrail Bill’ ‘select committee’. That committee is and has been a sham committee. But Galloway did voice a number of criticisms of the CRASSrail Bill. A full review over several days written as usual as the only and the exclusive such contribution ANYWHEE in the media [of any recognisable contemporary description or impact] by Khoodeelaar! organiser Muhammad Haque, was published on the internet. But since then, Galloway has not made a single statement that can be said to be an original one, let alone a statement in identity with the Khoodeelaar! movement against Crossrail… On several separate occasions in the time since 14 June 2006, a number of Opposition councillors [all of them belonging to the ‘RESPECT’ grouping] have attended Khoodeelaar demonstrations against the Crossrail hole… They include Abjol Miah, Oliur Rahman, Fozol Miah and Waiseul Islam.
[To be continued]
From the previous editions as published during Sunday 21 January 2007
The 4th. edition London 2150 Hrs GMT London Sunday 21 January 2007
Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill
Series of demonstrations this week, beginning on Monday 22 January 2007
First one: Assemble at 5 PM Monday 22 January 2007 outside the Brady Centre, Hanbury Street London E1
No Crossrail hole in the Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 Area
Local Tower Hamlets Council must say unequivocal No to CrossRail hole plot against the East End
Say No to Crossrail hole station at Whitechapel
Khoodeelaar! Demonstration Against Crossrail hole-backer Tower Hamlets Council: Gather in Hanbury Street London E1 [off Brick Lane] at 5 PM on Monday 22 January 2007
Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill - Demonstration outside the Houses of Parliament - time and date to be announced here in the next 24 hours
Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole London mayor Ken Livingstone - Outside 'City Hall' - date and time to be announced shortly
From the previous editions of AADHIKARonline published on Saturday 20 January 2007
At last! Even the Murdoch-controlled London Times, ‘once the newspaper of record’! catches up with the Khoodeelaar! diagnosis of CRASSrail! Despite having one of the crassest pluggers and peddlers of CRASS lies for CRASSrail [Matthew Parris] as a regular ‘columnist’, the Times has published today [Saturday, 20 January 2007] what must be a very significant admission. It has taken the Times THREE Years to catch up with the campaign that has been going on against CRASSrail from the location which is literally only yards away from the Times' base for so long [until most recently]...That Crossrail is CRASS! Or at least the CrossRail company is CRASS! and just in case viewers may think that we are pulling their leg, metaphorically speaking of course, the Times business diary entry by-lined to Martin Waller [‘City Diary’] ridicules the idiocies contained in the website of the Crossrail [CLRL] company for what the writer calls “witless teenagers". The verdict of the Times writer on the ‘Crossrail company’s’ website section called “Young Crossrail” is that the idiotic exercise “beats wasting time digging holes in the ground”! We repeat “Wasting time digging holes in the ground”! In a twisted and unconscious way, the Times writer hits the critical nail on the CRASSrail head! They should take note, those peddlers of CRASSrail and stop the remainder of their plot to dig holes in the ground in the East End! [To be continued]
From previous editions of AADHIKARonline published on Friday 19 January 2007
The 5th Edn 1020 Hrs GMT London Friday 19.1.2007
Publication programme on Friday 19 January 2007 includes the following
Crossrail-hole-Bill-backer Ken Livingstone has reportedly expressed ‘criticism’ of racism on a TV show! Is Livingstone so naïve that he still indulges in the grotesquely racist fantasy that he, Ken Livingstone - the man who single-handedly mugged the entire anti-racist movement, packed it inside sacks of GLC cash he dished out to the crooks he bribed from within the anti-racist movement and then said to the racists that he had done what no other racist could ever hope to do, conquered and overcame all the organised opposition within the Black communities to racism - is taken seriously as an opponent of racism by those who know and have been observing his racist record as the most vulgar of pro-racist opportunists at the expense of people targeted by racists and via racism? Livingstone is one of the most successful racists in Britain. He abuses the people that racists attack and then blocks, in ever present schemes funded via public cash, any independent, democratic grassroots opposition to racism at all relevant levels to emerge. He sponsors racism via the ethnicity-linked faces of the band of ethnic surrogates that he has recruited via public cash and public positions that the racist Livingstone distribute son behalf of the racist state. He then launches those pro-racist surrogates on the 'nation' via the media who then refer to those servants of racism as 'advisers' and 'consultants' to Livingstone. They then set out the racist project of the time in precisely the way that aids racists. Livingstone has made a career, a lifelong career at being a racist. Only he is craftier than a hundred, no, a thousand Jade Baddies could ever expect to be. The racist craftiness of careerist conman Ken Livingstone is seen in the fact that he tried to bribe – from funds that he has access to via the UK Treasury, - selected ethnic surrogates from Tower Hamlets in return for their collaboration, collusion with the Crossrail attack on the community. Livingstone is still ‘hoping’ to be able to bribe some ethnic crooks and assorted ethnic cronies that he has cultivated by bribery with public money in the East End who will then be able to be photographed and promoted alongside with the CrossRail pushers as having ‘agreed’ that the Crossrail hole attack on the Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 Area is a ‘beneficial’ attack on the multiply deprived, disenfranchised, community! [More on this during Friday 19 January 2007] Khoodeelaar! legal action programme against Crossrail hole-promoters- Update Khoodeelaar! demonstration against Tower Hamlets Council – a year since the Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole public meeting on Sunday 22 January 2006 held at the Brady Centre in the Hanbury Street [the target of the remaining CrossRail hole plan] demanded that Tower Hamlets Council passed a categorical NO to Crossrail hole Bill Motion – more evidence of the community’s opposition to the corrupt clique on Tower Hamlets Council and the corrupt role played by crooked members of the clique that has invited the CrossRail hole to be dug in the middle of the community -
From AADHIKARonline editions published on Thursday 18 January 2007
Khoodeelaar! the Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 Area No to Crossrail hole
Coming on this site during Thursday 18 January 2007
Details of the demonstrations against Tower Hamlets Council - the Next Khoodeelaar! demonstration against Crossrail and against the Crossrail hole-inviting role still being played by the controlling clique on the Tower Hamlets Council is at 5 PM on Monday 22 January 2007. Assemble outside the 'Brady Centre' in Hanbury Street, off Brick Lane, London E1 [More details on Friday, Saturday and Sunday]
Details of Khoodeelaar Demonstration against Ken Livingstone- The Khoodeelaar! demonstration against ken Livingstone will be held at an appropriate location. Venue details will be released nearer the date of the demonstration. The demonstration will be held before the end of January 2007. The main focus of the demonstration against Crossrail hole-plot-backer Ken Livingstone will be to get him to drop the remainder o the Crossrail hole plot. The demonstration will coincide with a new and significant campaign step being taken against Crossrail hole plot -backer Livingstone in the Khoodeelaar! legal action programme. [Further details will be published on this and other Khoodeelaar!-associated web sites and also in our usual print publications]
Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail campaign files – beginning links with some of the most important analytical documents and materials created to expose the crassness of the CROSSRAIL hole project and published on the internet in the past 3 years by Khoodeelaar! on the internet in the past three years of saying No to CRASSrail hole project
How the Tories railway ‘spokesman’ in the UK House of Commons, is still derailed politically and socially – and in terms of even knowing the facts about CRASSrail
Just as Khoodeelaar! announces a new demonstration against Crossrail hole-backer Ken Livingstone, all of a sudden there is an appearance of almost real political confrontation within the confines of the hugely ludicrous C Hall in London and the Ghastly vastly Ludicrous London Assembly almost becomes relevant, albeit for just the 30 minutes of the staged show between some of the GLA members and the lying cronies of the careerist Ken!
Crass role by CRASSrail-backing ‘London mayor’ Ken Livingstone! What a disgraceful show by his sub-fascistic henchmen and women! Nicki Sickly Gavron! She has done it again! No accountability at the Corruption] Hall! And Londoners have to actually look forward to an almost pro-democratic Conservative Brian Coleman to have any semblance of representation - and representativeness- by the 'London mayor' at all
More on this shortly
Crossrail CRASSness is now infecting the unreliable life at Essex Road in London's Islington!
as is shown in the piece published by the Islington Idiotiser
More on that latest idiotic promotion for the crass idea of CRASSrail, here shortly
Khoodeelaar! demonstration against Crossrail hole-inviter Tower Hamlets Council – Meet outside the Brady Centre, Hanbury Street at 5 PM Monday 22 January 2007 -
Khoodeelaar! Demonstration against Crossrail hole-backer London mayor Ken Livingstone - details due here shortly
From the pervious editions of AADHIKARonline
The 5th Edition 1755 Hrs GMT Monday 15 January 2007
Khoodeelaar! NO to Crossrail hole plot, No to Crossrail hole attacks, No to Big Business, No to Big Business tools, agents and operatives engaged in the destabilisation of the community and the ordinary people in the Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 Area
Crossrail hole plot-plugger Jo Valentine is abusing her position in the ‘Upper House’ in promoting the CRASSrail plot.
But then that is what most so-called ‘parliamentarians’ do when they appear to be speaking out on issues that do not get raised by any objectively verifiable demand on the parts of the ordinary public.
Jo Valentine’s latest plug, in which she shamelessly asks for places like Birmingham to make huge sacrifices so that the CRASSrail project in LONDON [which she parades in words mouthed by her co-CRASSrail plugger Ken Livingstone] can be given public funding, is not at all a new one.
She has been abusing her position for CRASSrail all over the place.
She is very much an extension of the Big Business and the City of London conglomercay which is desperate to get its hand on the mega “Billion of public money that it plots to rob via the CRASSrail plot.
In May last year, Jo Valentine got a plug , couched in almost identical terms to her latest one made in the House of Lords, for CRASSrail in a so-called letter in the London Financial Times.
We immediately challenged her on the assertion.
She failed to substantiate her then assertions and plugs for CRASSrail.
WE do not have any hesitation in saying again that Jo Valentine is abusing her position, is not being honest about the CRASSrail pilot and is not entitled to be allowed to abuse her position as a member in the House of Lords which despite pretensions to the contrary, is stuffed full of devious time servers like Jo valentine. Many a crook has been given a platform by Blair in the even more discredited House of Ludes than had been the case before Blair got HIS hand on the 'donations' line!
It is as scandal that she has not been challenged by either a Member of the UK Parliament or by another member in the House of Lureds. Or by any mainstream news commentator.
Khoodeelaar! will, as has been the case on CRASSrail for the past THREE years of campaign against the Crassrail plot, step into the breach and prepare a longer, updated questionnaire for Jo Valentine to address in the next 48 hours.
Quoting Khoodeelaar! organiser Muhammad Haque’s Question and demand for substantiation as put to Jo Valentine on Tuesday 16 May 2006 – Jo Vale3jkntien failed to answer the question or provide an iota of evidence to substantiate her plug for CRASSRAIL as made in a so-called letter put in her name in the Financial Times
“ To Jo Valentine
London First
London SW1
Via e-mail
Dear Jo Valentine
This is the first response to your letter as published by the Financial Times and to ask you to please substantiate your assertions about 'business' being in 'discussions' about funding Crossrail.
Please cite accessible published documentary evidence or other comparable evidence that can be objectively verified, bearing in mind the fact that the consistent pressure from Business has been for the PUBLIC sector to fund the Crossrail scheme. And that the main ‘motivation’ has been and remains for ‘Business’ to make profit at the expense of the public purse. That is why the CrossRail Bill is called CRASS-rail Bill, as it contains no evidence to support the key plugs made for it by those who have promoted it over the past many years.
Please note that we are scheduled to publish a criticism of your claim on our web sites today Tuesday 16 May 2006
Our view, as stated to Graham Duncan in the telephone communication a few minutes ago, is that your claim is not based on the truth of the conduct and the agenda of Business and that it is just a plug.
If you disagree, please show on what evidence.
Yours faithfully
Muhammad Haque
Khoodeelaar! No to CrossRail hole in the Brick Lane London E1 area
No CrossRail hole station at Whitechapel 1142 Hrs GMT Tuesday 16 May 2006 ”
unquoting Khoodeelaar! organiser Muhammad Haque’s Question and demand for substantiation as put to Jo Valentine on Tuesday 16 May 2006 – Jo Vale3jkntien failed to answer the question or provide an iota of evidence to substantiate her plug for CRASSRAIL as made in a so-called letter put in her name in the Financial Times
The KHOODEELAAR! analysis of the entirety of the Crossrail package is, has been and remains this: that it is a crassly conceived Bill, plan, scheme. That it is crass in that it has no rational basis. No sound economic basis. That it does not have the support of independently thinking specialists on the transport economy of the UK. That it is not a sound plan is shown in all the major investigative studies that have been carried out into the railway aspect of the UK economy in the recent past. And that someone so dedicated to Big business ideology, as the British Airway’s recently ‘retired’ chief executive Rod Eddington, could not find anything at all in the Crassrail Bill to commend it, proves beyond any reasonable doubt that the plan is worthless. And we are only talking here in the capitalistic, market economic context. We have not even begun to question the bases and assumptions of the market economic models. That at best the CRASSRAIL ‘plan’ needs to be scrapped and a fully fledged revision made of it, is the most generous offer that we can make to its promoters. They must stop wasting the hundreds of millions of £ public money that they are wasting, or rather, putting into the preparatory, predatory [to grab the defenceless public purse] pockets of Big Business conglomerates... To see ONCE AGAIN the desperation of the peddlers of this CRASSrail plot, view HERE a report being carried in a Birmingham [UK] based web site the shows that shallowness of the promoters of the Crassrail plot. This idiotic plugger of the CRASSrail Bill in the UK House of Lords has been a deeply morally compromised and wrongfully active, illegally benefiting insider trader and self-seeker. Called Jo Valentine…. The Crossrail plot promoting Crassness and idiocy of Barrenness Jo Valentine, one of the most idiotic couriers of dishonour in the ‘House of Ludes’ doing the plugs for CRASSrail. To view the Khoodeelaar! first response to Jo Valentine's CRASSrail lies and to actually read some of her latest stupidities for CRASSrail, log on to this site after 1800 Hrs GMT today Monday 15 January 2007
Khoodeelaar! Demonstration against Tower Hamlets Council Monday 22 January 2007 -
Demo details:
Meet at 5 PM on Monday 22 January 2007 Opposite the Brady Centre, Hanbury Street [off Brick Lane] London E1
Bring banners, placards saying No to Crossrail hole-inviter Tower Hamlets Council
Pass the Motion
Say No to Crossrail hole Bill NOW
[To be continued]
From the previous editions of AADHIKARonline
Who is going to Stop the Crossrail hole plot-backing clique on Tower Hamlets Council raising the cash payments to councillors?
And which councillors – on the opposition – are really opposing the CrossRail hole-backer, corrupt clique on Tower Hamlets Council? Answer: NOT ONE, so far. Not on the issue that really made the difference on 4 May 2006
Just what is the truth about the 'Toynbee Hall' 'settlement'?
Who do they 'settle'?
Breaking news
The 4th Edition published from London at 1120 Hrs GMT /UK time on Saturday 13 January 2007
Publication programme
1. Khoodeelaar! manifesto for the parliamentary constituency of Bethnal Green and Bow against Crossrail hole Bill Examining the corrupt role of the crooks-friendly clique on the Crossrail-hole-backer Tower Hamlets Council 2. Who is being reinstated as ‘chief executive’ in the Crossrail hole-backing Tower Hamlets Council? Is a Crossrail hole tout being groomed into the post? 3. Whatever happened to ‘Tower Hamlets Race Equality Council’? Who stole its funds? Did ‘Tower Hamlets Council fund the crooks who stole the THREC funds? If so, why is there no ‘news’ in any of the locally circulating – or indeed ethnicity-linked ‘news’ papers? How much did then ‘leader’ Abbas Uddin ‘Helal’ know of how much money the thieves on THREC stole of the public funds? Is there – has there been – a policy by Tower Hamlets Council to tolerate crooks? And is that policy linked with the fact that those ‘tolerated c rooks’ are useful to the ‘council leadership’? – More questions on this and related topic 4. How much public fund is being channelled by Tower Hamlets Council into the pockets of crooks in the borough via ‘community organisations’ now? And how much of that theft was being SUPERVISED by Christine Gilbert, then ‘chief executive’ of Tower Hamlets Council who boasted about alleged funding by Tower Hamlets Council of more than 1800 community organisations in July 2003? 5. Khoodeelaar! Breaking news 6. Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole campaign updates 7. Khoodeelaar! legal action programme news and updates From the AADHIKARonline editions as published on the internet on Friday 12 January 2007 The 2nd Edition published from London at 1700 Hrs GMT /UK time on Friday 12 January 2007 About AADHIKAR Media Foundation, LEGAL DISCLAIMER in brief on accessing these contents and what the word AADHIKAR means Updated on Thursday 16 November 2006 AADHIKARonline published by the AADHIKAR MEDIA FOUNDATION in association with Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill 1. Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill - breaking news slot 2. What is the reason for ALL the Crossrail hole Bill pluggers saying the very same words, no matter where they are promoting their crass rail project. They say that it will bring benefits to the area they target for CrossRail assault. But the4n they shrink away just when they ought to identify exactly what the alleged benefits are. We here dissect the latest exhibition of this crass tendency. this time witnessed in Berkshire further evidence of the lying and degeneration plugs down in maidenhead, Theresa May’s patch, where the crassness of the pluggers of the CrossRail plot is seen in the continuation of the inaccuracies and in the brazen banal concealment of the truth. for instance the Berkshire branch of the big business clone promoters allow a latest CrossRail plot promoter to say the very same things that every single plugged for the CrossRail plot is wont to say, is prone to say and has only ever seen to be saying: in a paragraph that makes bold claims about alleged regeneration to be brought by the construction of 'CrossRail link' the plugger is named but is allowed to say that he would not name the alleged business that have allegedly shown an interest in moving their operations to a site that will then generate so much economic benefit to the town... the question is: why is every CrossRail promoter allowed to make this claim? they make the claim that CrossRail will bring benefits to an area that is targeted for environmental, social, community destruction by CrossRail and then they retreat into nothing... the Khoodeelaar! campaign against CrossRail hole plot identified early on [as early as January 2004 as a campaign and as early as 2000 when the Khoodeelaar! campaign as such was not in existence but its founding activists had been watching the promotion of the CrossRail plot within and via the criminally dishonest time-servers within the local Blair party in tower hamlets] the propensity of the promoters of the CRASSrail lies to make bold claims about regeneration and their utter inability to point out what exact benefits they are claiming will be created by CrossRail alone. this applies as much to the criminally misleading - and the criminally callously misleading placing in the London evening standard of the paid for advertisement [typically disguised as a sort of spontaneous 'letter' by dispassionate observers - nothing could be further from the truth] made up of placemen and placewomen signatories including the CRASSrail plugger Michael Keith [who was then misleading the community in the east end by occupying the post of degeneration chair on tower hamlets council] in June 2003 - assertions made about the east end of London as it aloes to the idiotic, non-democratic, anti-democratic, non-parliamentary ,unparliamentary, unaccountable 'job' done by the CrossRail hole bill poodles committee in the uk house of commons. as it does to the claim made via the bbc TV on Sunday 26 March 2006 in the London segment devoted to the issue of CRASSrail in the politics programme. in that programme [which was only included by the bbc under pressure of the Khoodeelaar! campaign] the CrossRail hole bill promoter employee clrl was allowed to make a stupid boast that thousands of jobs would be created on the isle of dogs [more on the special characteristics of the isle of dogs as opposed to the ordinary demography and economic realities of the London borough of tower hamlets - in a separate piece, later] simply because CrossRail, would have been built. he did not say and he could not show even if he were competently quizzed on the bbc programme [he wasn't quizzed on that at all, not even incompetently] how that claim could be sustained. and so on. as I have shown in the past fortnight about the earlier CrossRail-promoting idiocy in Berkshire where Tory Theresa may has been overdoing the celebration for CrossRail, now I update visitors on the latest idiocy published today [Friday 12 January 2007] by the same icberkshire web site another big business-friendly organ which has no sense of proportion, no sense of rigour. above all, it has no sense of responsibility. it treats £billions of public money as fit for only one purpose - to be pocketed by construction and engineering contractors and conglomerates and their associates... the crassness of the Crossrail project is not just confined to the technically unsound contents of the CrossRail bill [as it is in the UK House of Commons] but in the dire, reckless irresponsibility, social disregard, defiance of the environment, defiance of the rules of democracy, on the parts of those interests who would otherwise claim to be treated with seriousness where their attitude to abusing whatever norms and tenets of democracy they otherwise claim to respect and have uppermost in their considerations, and robbing the public purse were under scrutiny. it seems that someone has decided that no reasonability, no rationality, no economic competence or economic values would be allowed to stand in the way of those who want to pocket a few £billions of the Public’s money under this crazy CrossRail project they have conjured up, regardless of the futility and the irrelevance to the UK economy of this particular version of the millennium dome on a scale that is 20 times worse than the dome at Greenwich here to view the latest icberkshire idiocy for CRASSrail..
To be continued
Wednesday, 1 August 2007
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